






Submitted By: TribeFan Grade: B
Pros of the ballpark:
Loved the feel of the game you have when you sit in Turner Field. I was in the upper deck and still had a great view of everything. You can tell the fans care about baseball when you sit at Turner Field. The team shop was pretty cool, loved the giant bat filled with Braves stuff. The restaurant in centerfield was a nice tough as well, great way to get out of the heat and enjoy a beer while still watching the game.

Cons of the ballpark: There was a sort of carnival atmosphere on the concourse. I don't like when there are so many distractions to take fans away from the ball game and that seemed to be the case here. I would have loved to see the Braves Museum but it cost tokens and we could not find out where to buy these things. Parking was a problem too, just not enough lots and too crazy to understand where you are allowed to go. Traffic coming off of the highway was terrible as well.
Additional Comments:
If you go to an afternoon game, drink your beer quick because it heats up really fast. Driving to the park you can see where the Atlanta Olympic flame was, a nice way to start a ballpark experience.

Submitted By: Athenian Grade: D
Pros of the ballpark: Great sightlines, even the upper deck seats give you a good view of the field. Guest relations people are top notch and really helpful if you have a problem. The Braves have toned down some of the minor-league aspects and put more focus on the game itself. Tickets can usually be had for a very good price.

Cons of the ballpark: Concession prices aren't the cheapest, but they aren't cheap at a lot of stadiums these days. Parking is kind of a hassle, although you can park in a special lot if you have a Delta rewards card. Getting too and from the stadium is a pain for weekend games or big series. The stadium is in a bad location away from public transportation, which means there is heavy car traffic pre and post game.

Additional Comments:
As a lifelong Braves fan, it pains me to say this, but the Braves fans can stink. I took my fiancée to a couple games against the Giants last season (regular season and playoffs). She's a huge Giants fan so she wore her gear. We kept to ourselves and she was low key throughout the game, but that didn't stop Braves "fans" from peppering her with cat calls, homophobic slurs, and demeaning taunts. It made it impossible for us to enjoy the game. This happened at four separate games and the results were the same in each of the different sections we sat in. I love the Braves and I can understand a little friendly smack talk, but cursing at someone for wearing the other colors crosses a line and seems such a departure from so-called "southern hospitality"

 Submitted By: Braves Fan Grade: A
Pros of the ballpark: Traditional Styling, Good Fan attendance (Depending how good the team is...)
Cons of the ballpark: Being a baseball purist and seeing how I attend 20 games a season, I have a few complaints. I can't stand how modern they are making the stadium with the huge tv screen and ribbon screens on the facade. But my biggest problem is that the main focus of the stadium is not baseball, it is family fun. This annoys me because, you walk into the stadium and the first thing you see is Tooner Field along with numerous annoying Cartoon Network characters (I guess that's what you get when Turner Broadcasting is one of your major sponsors). I also really wish a MARTA train came to the stadium like most ballparks. Another thing that extremely annoys me is how everything is trying to become more luxurious. In the lower level, people serve you your hotdog and in the Golden Moon Casino level, they have fine cuisine. And finally, it is too neutral of a ballpark; when the PA announcer greets the fans he says "Hello Baseball Fans"... for years, I've been hoping that one day he'll say "Hello Braves Fans" :( All these things add to the demolition of the baseball atmosphere.
Additional Comments:
I guess all the additional things that I hate are there to accommodate the fair weather fans...

 Submitted By: Will Grade: A
Pros of the ballpark: Tons to do at this park, even if you don't like baseball, you can find something that will interest you. Lots of things for kids, cartoon network even has its own little area here. Cheap Tickets, easily accessible, just a good overall atmosphere.
Cons of the ballpark: The parks location isn't in the best of neighborhoods and there aren't any restaurants near the Stadium, so if you get hungry, you better take out a small loan to pay for it. The ballpark is located right off interstate 75, but they block off the exits to get on and off near the stadium after the game, so you have to snake your way through south Atlanta's sketchy neighborhoods at night to find another way to get on. This is quite a hassle, to say the least.
Additional Comments:
As a lifelong Georgia resident, one of the things I've noticed about the Braves (now don't get me wrong because I've been a fan since I was a boy) is they only have a real big following if they are winning. God forbid they have a rough season, then you couldn't give away tickets to their games. Generally, during a rough season, you can get extremely good seats and typically won't have a whole lot of people around you either, so you can just kick back and watch some baseball.

 Submitted By: Chris Grade: A
Pros of the ballpark: Turner Field is a great place to see a ballgame. I've been there a good 20 times, at least, going back to 1997 when it opened for baseball (hosted '96 Olympics). Every year there is a new addition to the stadium. They added a new display screen beyond the center field fence two years ago along with the modern video/display ribbon along the facade of the upper deck. The playing surface is ALWAYS in top of the line condition. There is not a bad seat in the stadium (like all new stadiums). Although seats down the 1st & third base lines are great, my favorite seat is in the outfield pavilion. The round, symmetrical outfield configuration (which is VERY rare in the newer stadiums) allows you to be facing the batter. Also, there are great restaurants behind the pavilion seating. The Chop House in right center field is a fan favorite hangout spot. You can enjoy a beer and a burger while overlooking the field from the balcony. The concession food is great and there are plenty of restrooms. The fans are very friendly and creative. Ex: When Gary Sheffield played for ATL, his fanclub would dress up like Chefs. For catcher McCann, they would drees in soda cans. For Jeff Francour, they'd dress like Franks hot dogs... and my favorite, for outfielder Langerhans, they dress up like big hands. The fans embrace the players very nicely. The Braves consistently have a competing ball club which is all the more reason to watch a game at the Ted.
Cons of the ballpark: Turner Field has gotten out of hand by letting Looney Toons take over the stadium. I've NEVER EVER been a fan of unnecessary fan fare like that. It takes away from the reason people come to the park, "BASEBALL"!! If anyone can tell me how Daffy Duck and baseball are related let me know please. This is no biggie, but the stadium has an irrelevant color scheme. The pennants beyond the left field pavilion seating are blue, red, and yellow. It reminds me of a McDonalds playground. Also there is no outfield lighting which gives the outfielders a difficult time with fly balls.
Additional Comments: The best Braves games to go to is when they play the Mets, it's become a very heated rivalry.

 Submitted By: Ben Stephenson Grade: A
Pros of the ballpark: They host MLB baseball the RIGHT way in Atlanta! Beutiful exterior, plenty of parking. Cheap tickets! Great views from any seat. Its larger than the more recent retro ballparks which is good. Braves cheerleaders are kinda cool. They have a really cool Coke a cola section in the left field corner of the upper deck with a view that makes it seem like your watching the game from a mountain cliff. Wide concourses with plenty of amenities. The ushers are not so strict, so you can sneak down to field level seats that are not taken. whether you are a fan of the Bravo's or an opposing enemy, you can't help but get into the groove of "the chop".
Cons of the ballpark: The food and beverage prices are extremely expensive. I paid less for my ticket than the hot dog and soda I bought during the game! Also No escalators, so if your in the upper deck be prepared to climb some flights of stairs. and lastly there is too much Disney land-type kids stuff out in the plaza behind the center field score board. -But that's just me.
Additional Comments: The southern hospitality and feel of MLB dixie style ball is what you get at Turner. They really got it right when they built this thing.

 Submitted By: Justin Grade: A
Pros of the ballpark: Turner Field is very modern. It accommodates to the fans and the people are very friendly. I am a diehard Braves fan and was thoroughly delighted by Turner Field. The lighting and sound system are incredible. The new HD video board in center field is awesome. You get chills when you walk up to the stadium at the main entrance (atleast I did). I would have to say that all of the seats in the stadium are good seats once the sun goes down. I live in Ohio and was just in Atlanta to see the Braves, and I have to say that the Turner Field crowd was very enjoyable to be around. I also like the giant coke bottle in left field that is made out of baseball equipment. Fireworks shoot out of it when a Braves player hits a home run, what a great feature!!
Cons of the ballpark: The only problem I had was with the prices, but I guess I should expect that at a baseball game.
Additional Comments: Turner Field is a great ballpark to watch a game. It is also enjoyable for many other things.

 Submitted By: DF Grade: A
Pros of the ballpark: Service particularly for the Handicapped was excellent. Great areas for wheelchairs as well and the views from the regular seats were un-obscured. Also great areas to peek in at the bullpens warming up. The shop was nice and the concessions were nice as well. Most of all however the service was extremely good.
Cons of the ballpark: Parking was a bit of a problem especially handicapped accessible. Was somewhat loud when the mascots were dancing around before the game but reasonable. Coming from Fenway, I would've liked to see more vendors in the stands as well.. Good experience though.
Additional Comments: None.

 Submitted By: LeakyPickle Grade: B
Pros of the ballpark: Turner Field was one of the first parks built in the effort for cozier parks with a retro feel.  You can tell a lot of effort went into making it a fun place to go see a ball game.  The entire atmosphere is very spirited.  There are plenty of concession and gift shop accommodations.  The seating is comfortable and I couldn't spot any areas that may have an obstructed view.
Cons of the ballpark: While there seems to be lots of activity, sound effects, and visuals, the baseball game almost seems secondary at Turner Field.  The main concourse is like a circus...complete with stilt-walkers and jugglers.  This park, along with a few others, have gone with automated isle vendors (vendors take your order, then have your food/drinks delivered).  It may be a bit more convenient, but it truly takes away from the feel of the classic baseball game.  I want to hear a vendor yelling "Cold beer here!"  It's all part of the charm.
Additional Comments: Turner field is fun with a pleasant atmosphere.  For those who don't care much for baseball or demand constant audio/visual stimulation...this is the place for you.  Having a team that performs consistently well certainly helps too.

 Submitted By: Joe Sorrentino Grade: B
Pros of the ballpark: The concourse is the best seat in house where you can watch the game while getting a hot dog.  Why sit in the upper deck when you see stand in the concourse right behind home plate twenty rows back. Also, the outfield entrance is spacious and with lots of music and entertainment.
Cons of the ballpark: Don't sit in the right field upper deck near the foul pole since the setting sun stares you directly in the eyes for a third of any night game.
Additional Comments: It's your average old fashion retro ballpark.

 Submitted By: T.S. Grade: A
Pros of the ballpark: This was the first "newer" ballpark I had been to.  It is a really nice ballpark to visit.  The big screen is a nice luxury to have.  It makes the time in between innings a little fun, especially for the kids.  The food is great and so are the games located on the concourse for the kids.  Overall, I really love the park, I go back to see at least one game every summer.
Cons of the ballpark: Not really too many cons associated with this park.  The only concern is the fact that it is located right next to the ghetto!  The weather may be another factor.  In late July and August it is HOT!  They don' call it HotLanta for nothing.
Additional Comments: I really like Turner Field and I love the Braves, but I am a die hard Cubs fan through and through.  I really hate it when these two teams have to play against each other.  But definitely Turner Field is one of the best ballpark experiences I have had.

 Submitted By: Brett Davis Grade: A
Pros of the ballpark: The entrance of the stadium brought me back to the ball parks of the past. Walking around the entire stadium with my friend reminded me of stories I once heard about past stadiums.  The anticipation of waiting to enter Turner Field grows as you get closer to the giant baseball.  You walk down the street and the sight of this great ball is "pulling" you in to the park itself.  The workers and ground crew members are friendly beyond expectation.  The sights within the stadium are also breathtaking. The huge Coca-Cola park in the upper deck of left field is an awesome part of this park to experience. (The view of the Atlanta Skyline from there is also amazing).  The seats are comfortable, and there is not a bad seat in the house.  The field itself is also beautiful.  The grass is groomed very well and even the warning track is close to perfection. But all in all this is obviously the baseball team of the south. There is an atmosphere of baseball when you visit Atlanta.  And now that atmosphere is greater due to the addition of Turner Field.
Cons of the ballpark: Turner Field, being in Atlanta.. THE SOUTH.. Is a very hot place to be in the summer time.. I can remember a rather bad sun-burn from this experience.
Additional Comments: Watch for Foul Balls

 Submitted By: Michael Pratter Grade: B
Pros of the ballpark = The atmosphere, as a whole, was very good for baseball. We sat in the second level of the field seats, first base side, and the view was terrific. The fans around us were courteous, as were the stadium staffers. Late in the game, we move to the right field seats, out of curiosity, and found them, at dark, to be terrific. During dusk, they could be a problem for viewing from, but overall, a very nice facility!
Cons of the ballpark: The neighborhood Turner Field is located in leaves a lot to be desired. Lower income housing, and not well lit just a short distance from the stadium, it makes getting to the park during day light a must. Parking area leave something to be desired.
Additional Comments: For concessions, the prices were as expected, medium to high. However, the grille in the centerfield area was fabulous, food quality wise, especially the brat! Overall, you should enjoy a visit to Turner field!


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